Self Introduction

University of Macau, Taipa, Macao
I am Mao Tai Yue (Vincent) from China. Now a student studying for bachelor degree at University of Macau majoring in Economics. Meanwhile, I am also accepted as one member of Honours College 2013 class. I am an energetic person with enthusiasm. I like helping others and making friedns with all the people I like. Enjoy Life, Pursuit Happiness.

21 Guns by Greenday - My favorite song


Comment on "Yao Jiaxin"

   One news that shocked me recently is about "Yao Jiaxin". Fred told me some basic informantion about it, so that I search the detailed information on internet today. Although it is not really a "new" news, it made me think a lot. Today, I want to comment something on it.
     Who is he? He is a year 3 student from Xi'an Conservatory of Muscia in China. Late at night on 2010.10.20, he drove car and hit one person. Instead of taking that person to hospital, he stabbed the person to death and then ran away. When he were running away, again, he hurted two passengers twice when crossing the crossroads.
   How ridiculous he did!! I cannot help criticizing.....   The reason why he killed the person (one girl called Zhangmiao, is that he was afraid that she would remember the license plate number of his car and might cause some trouble in the future...  What a ridiculous reason....  from the information I got, the economic situation of his family is good. But how can he do something like this??  Isn't he a university student??? How can a university student behavor like this?? What's the quality of the university student nowadays in China????  I don't want to make a conclusion like most university student in mainland China are not quite quilified. But I want to say that some of them is not, at least Yao Jiaxin.  The only reason I can find to explain why he did so is of the educational system in China. As a Mainland China student, I don't want to criticize my motherland too much, but there is some word I cannot help saying...  I think the educational system in China focuses too much on academic ability, or more specifically, the scores on some exams that students can get, rather than the level of the morality. This is the first reason I can put forward.

   Second, I need to say that his family must has the responsibility for this crime because his parent didn't perform well their role to educate their son. How can a well-educated son did something like this??? That's really ridiculous. I think parents need to take their responsibility to do their part well. Good family can provide good environment for their children to grow, which in turn can benefit their morality.

   All in all, he was sentenced to death and got what he deserves because of his taking away the life of others on purpose, which I think can set some example for other students and the society, that bad person will definitely be punished in the end. I really hope that my motherland can do something to change the educational situation for the sake of her better development. I don't want that in the future, China has cultivated lots of low morality people but standing in the high social classes. This can totoally ruin the good thing that China has already established.

