Self Introduction

University of Macau, Taipa, Macao
I am Mao Tai Yue (Vincent) from China. Now a student studying for bachelor degree at University of Macau majoring in Economics. Meanwhile, I am also accepted as one member of Honours College 2013 class. I am an energetic person with enthusiasm. I like helping others and making friedns with all the people I like. Enjoy Life, Pursuit Happiness.

21 Guns by Greenday - My favorite song


Dramar: Amber

     Tonight (Aprl 29th), My girl friend Zhang Tong and I went together to UM Culture center to see a dramar, named Amber, which is performed by J-One Drama from CMSA. The drama started from 7:30 pm and ended at approximately 9:30 pm.

     The Hero in this drama is called Gaoyuan, which is performed by Liu Yicheng. The character in this drama - Gaoyuan, is a hoody . He knows that he will die in every minutes because of his disease. Therefore, death is not a issue that is important for him. Except temptation, he can resist anything. 
     He is arrogant, rational and secular. However, everthing in the world are sharp contrast to his characteristics. He despise the world, look on everthing happening in the world. But, as he met Xiaoyou, the heroine of this drama,which is performed by Deng Yongxu, he cannot keep a long distance between him and the world. 
     When she kissed the wound on Gaoyuan's chest, he became unrest. Is he tempted by her, or she tempted by him? Because of her, he is fear of death. Now, he is the amber sleeping in her hand.

     The heroine in this drama, is called Xiaoyou, which is performed by Deng Yongxue. She once deeply loved fiance was dead after a car accident, and his heart was donated to Gaoyuan, the hero of this drama. The heart of his fiance was beating in another person's chest. His fiance said that whenever his heart exist, it means that he is still loving her, but can one person only love the heart of another? She, in order to get close to the heart, got contact with Gaoyuan. However, is she still loving his fiance or Gaoyuan? This brave and insistence girl now step into a dilemma: how can she choose between new and old love? She cannot control herself of falling love with another person. She loves the pain and brave inside the body of Gaoyuan. She said that whenever alive, falling love means not fear of any hurt.

Following is some reflection after I saw this drama:

     Why Amber is so treasure? Is it because of the life solidificated inside it, or only the transparency?
Why love is so touching? Is it because of the heart beating inside the body, or the person who makes the heart keep beating?

     This drama really makes me think a lot about the ever-existing theme - "LOVE". I think all the student performed in this drama are very talented and I like them all very much. I hope that J-One drama can become better and better in the future!

