Self Introduction

University of Macau, Taipa, Macao
I am Mao Tai Yue (Vincent) from China. Now a student studying for bachelor degree at University of Macau majoring in Economics. Meanwhile, I am also accepted as one member of Honours College 2013 class. I am an energetic person with enthusiasm. I like helping others and making friedns with all the people I like. Enjoy Life, Pursuit Happiness.

21 Guns by Greenday - My favorite song


Fast Five - a film burning money

May 18th (Wednesday), my girl friend Zhang Tong and I went to Huoxinghu cinema at Ningxi district of Zhuhai, to see one famous film "Fast Five". Although I have seen Fast: Three, Tokyo Drift before on my personal computer, I cannot rember any plot before so that I cannot recall what have happened in Fast Four, but fortunately, Tong didn't see any series of this movie. By the way, this kind of movie needs nothing, but eyes. Why? Because it is a kind of movie that can make you high and stressful. P.S. This is the six time for us to go to that cinema. I highly recommend there if you want to go to Zhuhai to see some movies. Here is the link, Try to click on it to have a look. Don't misunderstand, I am not trying to do any advertisement. I just like the atmosphere there because it is the place for my girl friend and I see movies.

Ok, now, I'd like to say something about this movie. I think it is a typical representative of popcorn movie because the plot is quite simple and the logic seems not to hold here. The only thing reasonable is there are lots of famous cars being destroyed and road, buildings coming into ruins. So it really is a movie that burns huge number of money. If you really like cars, brotherhood, and drift, etc, you cannot miss it because you cannot afford it. I highly recommend it to you if you like this. However, one thing makes me unhappy is that this kind of movie really cost so much, which cannot benefit the society at all. It only makes a small amount of satisfaction for the people to entertain, but what's going on after this? How about donate some money to charity or build up more houses for the person who still live outside without money to purchase any? Won't this kind of activities more meaningful? 
I am not complain about this and say this kind of movie is useless, but I think there is no need for this kind of movie to prevail, only some of them is reasonable, but not too much, because we need to build a peaceful environment for the teenagers, not to teach them how to commit a crime or beat others. I hope that this society can save some money and use it in a proper way, not simply burn it up. Remember, Resources are limited and entertainment should be constraint in some amount. But all in all, I think this movie is really nice and well-worth seeing, apart from the thought I have put forwards. So , if you want to know some basic information, I think you can google or baidu it, just type it in and you can get numerous results because it is quite famous. That's all, I need to sleep. Good night, everyone!


Though Final Exam

     Today afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. I have just finished the most difficult final exam that I have taken since I enter the University of Macau. It is the statistics exam. It took me 3 hours to finish the whole paper without stop. How though it is! I cannot say I am sure about every answer, but 95% of the answers I think are correct. However, for me to get an A, maybe it is not enough. But if i have good luck, I think the probability for me to get good final grade (A) is very high. The test is not as difficult as I think previously, but the length is quite long compared to my expected value ^^. Lots of students are complaining about this exam, but I think the result won't be so bad as they expected because I realized the total mark for the exam is 180. What?? Yes, it is true, you need to believe in your eyes. It is 180, not 100 or something. Thinking about this, approximately, 5 points worth a sub question under 5 big questions. You can preceive the length now. But all in all, I have completed it and maybe the result is very good. So hope it is true. By the way, in the following days, more final exams are waiting for me, so I need to get well prepared for them. Actually, when I am writing this blog, I am reviewing for my next final exam - Intermediate Microeconomics. I think it is one course with lots of theory and the person who have developed so many models, especially Nash, who have built up the foundation for game theory, are quite brilliant. Now, I really need to spend time in fighting with my other final exams. Go!! Go!! Go!!


Final Exam period starts

Today, I have just finished my first final examination: Intermediate Macroeconomics. I think it is somehow easy except for one question about capital and investment. I thought about two ways of doing it during the exam and took the way that I think have more probabilty of being correct. However, after the exam, I went back to dormitory to check a similar question in my note, I found that the answers have used the two ways, which means, for some calculations, it used one way, but for another, it used another way. All the two ways are exclusive, which means only one way is right. I am really confused now as I didn't do well previously in my quiz, homework, and test. For me, if I want to get an A grade, I need to get 98/100 or more in final exam. I am quite unsure about my answer, which is the key determinant about whether or not I can get A. I hope that I am right. All right, since it is gone, I need to prepare for my next exam, whcih is statistical analysis on May 7th. Similarly, I need to get a high score to guarantee that I can get an A grade. So, keep fighting and good lock!!


May 1st - Panda in Macau

     On May 1st, my parents and I went to see panda in Macau. (Location: Seac Pai Van Park) There are six peiod in a day from 10 am to 1pm, 2 pm to 5 pm in a whole week except Monday that we can pay a visit to their. In Taipa, you can catch specail No.128 to directly go there, or 25 is OK. While from Macau, you it is better for you to catch 25, rather than go to Taipa and take another bus. My parents and I took the free bus os "City of Dream" to go there because my dad want to look at some camera inside COD. After that, we called a taxi and go to Macau Panda Pavilion in Seac Pai Van Park, which located at the area between Taipa and Coloane. I bought three tickets and the time period for us to visit is from 2pm to 3 pm. The reason why the number of visitors for each period and the time for them to visit are so strictly limited is that panda cannot be distrubed too much. 

     Here is a outside look of the Macau Panda Pavolion:

     Lots of People are waiting outside for the queue to get inside the pavilion to have a look at the two lovely pandas - "Kaikai" and "Xinxin":


After a long-time waiting, I got inside the pavilion to see the two lovely guys. But at first half after 1 pm, the two pandas are sleeping. Then I think that we may have no chance of seeing them playing or doing something else:

But fortunately, after about half an hour, the two lovely babies waked up and played with each other to show their naughtiness to us:



After seeing them, we went outside the pavilion because the time limitation for visit for one period is one hour. Then we went back home. I think it is quite good because we have seen lots of daily life for panda - sleeping, drinking water, eating banboos,  playing with itself, playing with each other, etc. This trip is very worthwealthy. However, some people cannot see the panda awake, only see them sleeping, because they don't want to spend some time for waiting and leave early. I think if they can be more patient, they can get more payoffs. That really fits with the proverb :"More pay, more gain". I love the Macau Panda Pavilion. If you are interested, just pay one visit.