Self Introduction

University of Macau, Taipa, Macao
I am Mao Tai Yue (Vincent) from China. Now a student studying for bachelor degree at University of Macau majoring in Economics. Meanwhile, I am also accepted as one member of Honours College 2013 class. I am an energetic person with enthusiasm. I like helping others and making friedns with all the people I like. Enjoy Life, Pursuit Happiness.

21 Guns by Greenday - My favorite song


Fast Five - a film burning money

May 18th (Wednesday), my girl friend Zhang Tong and I went to Huoxinghu cinema at Ningxi district of Zhuhai, to see one famous film "Fast Five". Although I have seen Fast: Three, Tokyo Drift before on my personal computer, I cannot rember any plot before so that I cannot recall what have happened in Fast Four, but fortunately, Tong didn't see any series of this movie. By the way, this kind of movie needs nothing, but eyes. Why? Because it is a kind of movie that can make you high and stressful. P.S. This is the six time for us to go to that cinema. I highly recommend there if you want to go to Zhuhai to see some movies. Here is the link, Try to click on it to have a look. Don't misunderstand, I am not trying to do any advertisement. I just like the atmosphere there because it is the place for my girl friend and I see movies.

Ok, now, I'd like to say something about this movie. I think it is a typical representative of popcorn movie because the plot is quite simple and the logic seems not to hold here. The only thing reasonable is there are lots of famous cars being destroyed and road, buildings coming into ruins. So it really is a movie that burns huge number of money. If you really like cars, brotherhood, and drift, etc, you cannot miss it because you cannot afford it. I highly recommend it to you if you like this. However, one thing makes me unhappy is that this kind of movie really cost so much, which cannot benefit the society at all. It only makes a small amount of satisfaction for the people to entertain, but what's going on after this? How about donate some money to charity or build up more houses for the person who still live outside without money to purchase any? Won't this kind of activities more meaningful? 
I am not complain about this and say this kind of movie is useless, but I think there is no need for this kind of movie to prevail, only some of them is reasonable, but not too much, because we need to build a peaceful environment for the teenagers, not to teach them how to commit a crime or beat others. I hope that this society can save some money and use it in a proper way, not simply burn it up. Remember, Resources are limited and entertainment should be constraint in some amount. But all in all, I think this movie is really nice and well-worth seeing, apart from the thought I have put forwards. So , if you want to know some basic information, I think you can google or baidu it, just type it in and you can get numerous results because it is quite famous. That's all, I need to sleep. Good night, everyone!


Though Final Exam

     Today afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. I have just finished the most difficult final exam that I have taken since I enter the University of Macau. It is the statistics exam. It took me 3 hours to finish the whole paper without stop. How though it is! I cannot say I am sure about every answer, but 95% of the answers I think are correct. However, for me to get an A, maybe it is not enough. But if i have good luck, I think the probability for me to get good final grade (A) is very high. The test is not as difficult as I think previously, but the length is quite long compared to my expected value ^^. Lots of students are complaining about this exam, but I think the result won't be so bad as they expected because I realized the total mark for the exam is 180. What?? Yes, it is true, you need to believe in your eyes. It is 180, not 100 or something. Thinking about this, approximately, 5 points worth a sub question under 5 big questions. You can preceive the length now. But all in all, I have completed it and maybe the result is very good. So hope it is true. By the way, in the following days, more final exams are waiting for me, so I need to get well prepared for them. Actually, when I am writing this blog, I am reviewing for my next final exam - Intermediate Microeconomics. I think it is one course with lots of theory and the person who have developed so many models, especially Nash, who have built up the foundation for game theory, are quite brilliant. Now, I really need to spend time in fighting with my other final exams. Go!! Go!! Go!!


Final Exam period starts

Today, I have just finished my first final examination: Intermediate Macroeconomics. I think it is somehow easy except for one question about capital and investment. I thought about two ways of doing it during the exam and took the way that I think have more probabilty of being correct. However, after the exam, I went back to dormitory to check a similar question in my note, I found that the answers have used the two ways, which means, for some calculations, it used one way, but for another, it used another way. All the two ways are exclusive, which means only one way is right. I am really confused now as I didn't do well previously in my quiz, homework, and test. For me, if I want to get an A grade, I need to get 98/100 or more in final exam. I am quite unsure about my answer, which is the key determinant about whether or not I can get A. I hope that I am right. All right, since it is gone, I need to prepare for my next exam, whcih is statistical analysis on May 7th. Similarly, I need to get a high score to guarantee that I can get an A grade. So, keep fighting and good lock!!


May 1st - Panda in Macau

     On May 1st, my parents and I went to see panda in Macau. (Location: Seac Pai Van Park) There are six peiod in a day from 10 am to 1pm, 2 pm to 5 pm in a whole week except Monday that we can pay a visit to their. In Taipa, you can catch specail No.128 to directly go there, or 25 is OK. While from Macau, you it is better for you to catch 25, rather than go to Taipa and take another bus. My parents and I took the free bus os "City of Dream" to go there because my dad want to look at some camera inside COD. After that, we called a taxi and go to Macau Panda Pavilion in Seac Pai Van Park, which located at the area between Taipa and Coloane. I bought three tickets and the time period for us to visit is from 2pm to 3 pm. The reason why the number of visitors for each period and the time for them to visit are so strictly limited is that panda cannot be distrubed too much. 

     Here is a outside look of the Macau Panda Pavolion:

     Lots of People are waiting outside for the queue to get inside the pavilion to have a look at the two lovely pandas - "Kaikai" and "Xinxin":


After a long-time waiting, I got inside the pavilion to see the two lovely guys. But at first half after 1 pm, the two pandas are sleeping. Then I think that we may have no chance of seeing them playing or doing something else:

But fortunately, after about half an hour, the two lovely babies waked up and played with each other to show their naughtiness to us:



After seeing them, we went outside the pavilion because the time limitation for visit for one period is one hour. Then we went back home. I think it is quite good because we have seen lots of daily life for panda - sleeping, drinking water, eating banboos,  playing with itself, playing with each other, etc. This trip is very worthwealthy. However, some people cannot see the panda awake, only see them sleeping, because they don't want to spend some time for waiting and leave early. I think if they can be more patient, they can get more payoffs. That really fits with the proverb :"More pay, more gain". I love the Macau Panda Pavilion. If you are interested, just pay one visit.


Dramar: Amber

     Tonight (Aprl 29th), My girl friend Zhang Tong and I went together to UM Culture center to see a dramar, named Amber, which is performed by J-One Drama from CMSA. The drama started from 7:30 pm and ended at approximately 9:30 pm.

     The Hero in this drama is called Gaoyuan, which is performed by Liu Yicheng. The character in this drama - Gaoyuan, is a hoody . He knows that he will die in every minutes because of his disease. Therefore, death is not a issue that is important for him. Except temptation, he can resist anything. 
     He is arrogant, rational and secular. However, everthing in the world are sharp contrast to his characteristics. He despise the world, look on everthing happening in the world. But, as he met Xiaoyou, the heroine of this drama,which is performed by Deng Yongxu, he cannot keep a long distance between him and the world. 
     When she kissed the wound on Gaoyuan's chest, he became unrest. Is he tempted by her, or she tempted by him? Because of her, he is fear of death. Now, he is the amber sleeping in her hand.

     The heroine in this drama, is called Xiaoyou, which is performed by Deng Yongxue. She once deeply loved fiance was dead after a car accident, and his heart was donated to Gaoyuan, the hero of this drama. The heart of his fiance was beating in another person's chest. His fiance said that whenever his heart exist, it means that he is still loving her, but can one person only love the heart of another? She, in order to get close to the heart, got contact with Gaoyuan. However, is she still loving his fiance or Gaoyuan? This brave and insistence girl now step into a dilemma: how can she choose between new and old love? She cannot control herself of falling love with another person. She loves the pain and brave inside the body of Gaoyuan. She said that whenever alive, falling love means not fear of any hurt.

Following is some reflection after I saw this drama:

     Why Amber is so treasure? Is it because of the life solidificated inside it, or only the transparency?
Why love is so touching? Is it because of the heart beating inside the body, or the person who makes the heart keep beating?

     This drama really makes me think a lot about the ever-existing theme - "LOVE". I think all the student performed in this drama are very talented and I like them all very much. I hope that J-One drama can become better and better in the future!


What a pitty - "Life with Uncertainty"

Today (April. 26th), I cannot go to HC talent show because I need to attain a makeup class, which is our Intermediate Microeconomics course. I haven't got the message informing about the makeup class until this morning...... As I am a year two student majoring in Economics and our professor GZ.Sun has been ill for a long time and tonight was his first class after recovery, so I have no reason but to attain. On the other hand, I am one helper for the HC talent show -----------------------------------------------------------



     I am responsible for the control room with Rockie and Bob. However, Rockie and I both need to attain the makeup class so both us cannot help tonight. What's more, I have practiced how to use the control room in the rehearsal day (April, 19th). Although I have done preperation and have the willingness to come, but I still end up with the result that I cannot attain. This makes me think that "Life is always with lots of uncertainty, no matter how well you palanned, and how hopefully something is, there may always come something unexpected"....  So that, we need to make some alternative choices before the uncertainty things happen. That's what I learnt from this experience. All in all, I think it is a huge pity that I cannot go to the show. But, as long as I can learn something from it, I think it is valuable.


Comment on "Yao Jiaxin"

   One news that shocked me recently is about "Yao Jiaxin". Fred told me some basic informantion about it, so that I search the detailed information on internet today. Although it is not really a "new" news, it made me think a lot. Today, I want to comment something on it.
     Who is he? He is a year 3 student from Xi'an Conservatory of Muscia in China. Late at night on 2010.10.20, he drove car and hit one person. Instead of taking that person to hospital, he stabbed the person to death and then ran away. When he were running away, again, he hurted two passengers twice when crossing the crossroads.
   How ridiculous he did!! I cannot help criticizing.....   The reason why he killed the person (one girl called Zhangmiao, is that he was afraid that she would remember the license plate number of his car and might cause some trouble in the future...  What a ridiculous reason....  from the information I got, the economic situation of his family is good. But how can he do something like this??  Isn't he a university student??? How can a university student behavor like this?? What's the quality of the university student nowadays in China????  I don't want to make a conclusion like most university student in mainland China are not quite quilified. But I want to say that some of them is not, at least Yao Jiaxin.  The only reason I can find to explain why he did so is of the educational system in China. As a Mainland China student, I don't want to criticize my motherland too much, but there is some word I cannot help saying...  I think the educational system in China focuses too much on academic ability, or more specifically, the scores on some exams that students can get, rather than the level of the morality. This is the first reason I can put forward.

   Second, I need to say that his family must has the responsibility for this crime because his parent didn't perform well their role to educate their son. How can a well-educated son did something like this??? That's really ridiculous. I think parents need to take their responsibility to do their part well. Good family can provide good environment for their children to grow, which in turn can benefit their morality.

   All in all, he was sentenced to death and got what he deserves because of his taking away the life of others on purpose, which I think can set some example for other students and the society, that bad person will definitely be punished in the end. I really hope that my motherland can do something to change the educational situation for the sake of her better development. I don't want that in the future, China has cultivated lots of low morality people but standing in the high social classes. This can totoally ruin the good thing that China has already established.


The experience of taking TOEFL on April 23rd

     April, 23rd, I have taken TOEFL test at Shenzhen, "Saige" talent training center with some classmates in HC. 

   Generally speaking, I don't think I did quite well in the test, or more specifically, I think I cannot fully take advantage of my ability. But all in all, it is over and the experience is quite unforgettable. This is not simply refer to the test experience, but refer to the whole process: preparation time (one day before the test, April 22nd, we go to Shenzhen from Zhuhai), the hardships of finding the exact location for the test, and the procedure of taking the test. Finally, the journey of going back to Zhuahi. I will talk about them one by one:
     The preparation time. I didn't prepare for this test well because it is required by HC that all students need to take TOEFL before May, so we have no choice but take the registration in a limited time. That's why we need to choose Shenzhen as the city we take exam. Otherwise, I will choose Macau>>>>> Definitely!!!!  If I need to retake TOEFL, I must do the registration far before the time I prefer (For you, if you want to register exam, please go to 
     My suggestion is that you really need to register far before your preferred time since there are lots of people want to take it. One comment I want to add is that I cannot understand why ETS only set so limited number of test location in China? Because I cannot understand why there are lots schools and talent training center in Zhuhai, which have equiptment far better than the "Saige"( I have problem with computer in that center when I took my reading part test, the paragrah cannot display properly in the screen, so that I lost about 1 minute time......) I should compaint about this but I didn't do so because I don't want to retake the test in this location again, 3 hours to take by taking bus from Zhuhai to Shenzhen....
However, the most difficult thing is not the preperation, the process when I took test, it is the hardship for Roddic, Fred and I to find out the exact location of "Saige" talent training center....  Frankly speaking, I found that if I compare the hardnees of finding the place with the hardness of completing the test, I will say it without hasitation that finding the place is far more difficult.  Here is the experience I have encoutered: Firstly, we find the location listed in Google map, then we tried hard to find that location. We found for quite a long time, by asking numerous people, but still cannot get the exact place. By looking at the faces with ignorance, we feel somewhat depressed. But, one people in the post office helped us a lot. By referring to the map on internet again, he found that the center is located at the 7th floor of "Saige" Economy Building. So we headed straightforwaed to those building, which we have passed by at least 4 times because we cannot find the place. Hard, hard, hard.......... After we went into the building, climbed to the 7th floor, we were hitted by the fact that the center has moved to another place since last year. We were quite tired and depressed, but we cannot do anything else other than find the new location. So, we need to go back to our Hotel.......  Why? Because we need to use computer..........   It take us about 3 hours to walk on the road to find out the old location and went back to Hotel, which means 3 hours meaningless work.  After we went back to hotel, we used the computer to search for the new location. To our satisfaction, we found it on a BBS website, so we marked down the simple map on a paper and then began to find out the location by walking there. It didn't take us long- just half an hour....   But the hardship really made the experience unforgettable..
Finally, about how we came bcak to Zhuhai, we took the ship. I think it is better to take the ship if you are not afraid of dizy. It took only 1 hours for the ship to take us back, but 3 hours for the car to do so. What's more, coz we are students, it only costs us 90 yuan/person, but taking bus, it need 95 yuan/person. By the way, the service provided by Jiuzhougang Port in Zhuhai is quite good. It provide free bus to take the passengers from the port to Gongbei (China port), which I appreciate it very much sicne I haven't hearded some free bus similar to those casino buses in Macau.
That's all about what I want to said after I took the test. Now, I just want to pray for myself that I can get a satisfied mark.


My favorite song - 21 Guns

Long time no see, my friends.Last week I was so busy dealing with assignments, tests and presentations, after which I feel a little bit run out of energy. Today, I just came back from Shenzhen after the TOEFL test (April, 23th) and I am quite tired. Only at this point I found that I haven't listen to music for quite a long time. I know that music can make me relaxed and help improve work efficiency, moreover, reduce the pressure on my shoulder, but these weeks I just ignore it, which I think is not quite good for me. So, I'd like to talk about my favorite song - 21 Guns, which is song by green days. 

Following is the lyrics:

Do you know what's worth fighting for,
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
You and I

     The reason why I like this song is because of its theme: against war, which is the ever-existing theme along human kind's history. War do lots of harm to the development of human beings so that I strongly against it. The lyrics in this song reveal the strong opinion from the author that war is unnecessary and harmful, why not use our energy and time to do other things, to build a better world for all humans and for the next generation? The beautiful rhythm and melody have dragged me into those song ever since I listen to it. That is really amazing and fantastic masterpiece from my point of view. I strongly recommend all of you to try listening to this song. God bless all human beings, not suffer from wars anymore.


Traveling Through Life

Traveling Through Life (by Dr. John C. Maxwell)

   This book is highly recommended for us to read by our HC professor: Dr.Zen. I have created some Wordle for you to guess some basic idea about this book. If you all interested in it, please feel free to read it.


Excellent Experience of Holding a "Live to Lead" Workshop for Year one students

   On Mar.16, Honours College students successfully held a "big event" for year one students ---  The "Live to Lead" Workshop.
   This workshop intends to provide the potential year one student with the true meaning of leadership and equip them with some basic concept on team building through various kind of interesting games.
   The workshop starts at 2:00pm, ends punctually  at 5:30 pm. Highly consistent with our original schedule. By the way, I think the organizing committee did a really wonderful work both on the organization and coordination for this workshop. One specific thing can show their attention and skill on it: they communicate with each other and check everything in order to secure the fluence procedure of the workshop. That's really an amazing finsh as all students from HC work together for the same goal.
   Thank you Dr.Zen, Thanks for your excellent speech and kind guidance, for your kind help in our workshop, our honourable professor. Thanks you 苏安婷, a brave year one student, showing to us her excellent voice. Thanks you Josefina, our honours college 2013 classmate, her amazing voice shock everyone. Again, thank for all the people who have lent their hands to us, to the organizing committe of this workshop. Thanks again, for committee members, David, Alice, Anne and Victor. Finally, thank for the opportunity for me to devote into this workshop as one committee member, that experience is really treasure and well worth possesing. Next generation of HC, namely 2014 class, I think you must have strong feeling when you put your hand to start orgainze a workshop like this. Expect it. Following is the picture for me in this workshop with some highly potential 2014 class HC students in a group:

       Following is the poster for this event, which I think is really impressive:

   Thanks very much for your attention to finish reading this article!


Macau Tower Skywalk on Feb.12.2011

 Amazing Trip with friends from 
"Honours College, University of Macau"

Dears, how exciting and excellent the experience is? I think nothing can show it better than pictures. So, why not have a look first?


  Frankly speaking, I'm afraid before I step outside. But, after I obsered that lots of grils weren't afraid of this, I felt huge shame. So I pretened to be a man without any fear. After a certain period of time, I surprisingly found that I really didn't afraid of it anymore. How can I make it? I think that most important skill is self-talking, if you believe in something and frequently tell yourself it is true, it can cause a high probability for it to become true. Haaaaa, it is not a cold joke, it is true. Believe it or leave, it's up to you. I am Vincent, want to make friends? Just leave some words here so that I can know you. Thank you for your kind attention to finish reading my short article. Hope you can have a nice day. Don't throw banana to me, because I like eating it. Joking, Joking, see you next time. Bye~~


HONR202 Individual Essay - My Leadership Journey

We are now living in a rapidly developing society with multiple industries, which needs leaders to make wise decisions and adjustments to advance the well-being of the all mankind. Therefore, knowing leadership skills is vitally important for the person who wants to make the world better through their own efforts. From my point of view, in the 21st century, leadership is no longer simply some skills and methods about how to lead others, meanwhile, it is no longer only suitable or useful for those leaders, it should be regarded as one kind of graceful and subtle art that needs to be held and practiced by everyone. In one word, leadership is a kind of art - one art that can create maximum social welfare and benefit the largest crowd through personal managerial aptitude. This era needs new kinds of leadership, one more fair, balanced and creative mentality should be held by us to recognize, comprehend and practice leadership.
For an excellent leader, apparently, he/she needs good skills on how to cooperate all kinds of works, to ensure that all parts work well for the purpose of best outcome. Meanwhile, he/she needs capacity to lead teams to successfully achieve the planned goal. To help the team achieve success, he/she needs to make wise decisions from the discussion of the team, assign proper tasks to members based on his thorough knowledge about members and coordinating and handling the working process. Also, an excellent leader can influence others through his/her personal characteristic. He/she can help his members and get them improved in many aspects. Apart from the above skills, four qualities should be owned by an excellent leader, that is L.O.V.E. (Listen, Obligation, Value, Effectiveness)  - L is listen, a person with leadership needs to listen to others properly. O is obligation; he/she has the responsibility to lead his/her team towards success through good teamwork. V is value, it means he/she needs to respect others, put himself/herself at a proper position when communicating with members, and E is Effectiveness, he/she must know how to accomplish the assignment in a fast and proper way through different methods. Only when leaders can put L.O.V.E. principle into practice, they can become the excellent ones.
From an excellent leader, I expect to see strong sense of justice, firm determination and orientation for service. I expect to find out their charming personality, their courage to take responsibilities and their spirit of cooperation. I expect to see their decisive decision-making power, wide range of professional knowledge and in-depth understanding of its own industry. Finally, I want to see all the excellent leaders take social responsibilities to help the whole society, to help those people who are still in poverty, to make a better world for the next generation, because they have the strongest ability to change the world.
     I had a wonderful experience with one excellent leader Mr. Zhang. He is the director of airline ticket office in Tianhe district, Guangzhou. I had conducted a one-month internship in his office from July to August in 2010, working as a reservationist. In order to meet the financial requirement, each trade needs to be recorded into computer system and also, needs to be written down into notes. At first, I can obey to this rule and make detailed record for each customer, but later, I became impatient about this job, and pay less attention to take down all the information. One day, a customer booked one airline ticket and gave me his information, including his name and ID number. I personally think that as I have typed his information into computers, there is no need to write down his information into notes, which I think is quite troublesome and time-consuming, so I just did it my way. However, this mistake is discovered by Mr. Zhang soon. But he didn’t criticize me right after he found my mistake. He called me to his office after work, talked with me face to face. He told me that because I am a new comer, it can be understandable for me to make mistake, he didn’t want to criticize me in front of lots of people, which he think will definitely hurt me. But he emphasized the importance of recording trade into notes, he mentioned that because computer system has chance to break down or lose files, the notes can save all the information in case of the broken down, so the procedure of taking down trade into notes cannot be omitted. What impressed me most is his high sense of respect and people orientation. He can treat me equally and tolerate my mistakes, which really moved me. As to the lessons I have learnt from him, firstly, I learnt how to respect others and be tolerant to mistakes. Secondly, I learnt that I need to set strict demand on myself and be hard-working rather than think in my own way. Thirdly, I learnt that in order to cope with problems, I need to do it skillfully. Mr. Zhang did a very good job to educate me because he told me the importance logically rather than simple blame on me, which finally achieved very nice outcome.
One of my leadership experiences till now I still remember is that I have successfully led a group consisting of 6 people (including me) for one research topic in ECMC290 course to get full mark on the research final presentation. The situation is that we have problem in task distribution and cooperation before, so that we performed bad on our progress report presentation, and got a very low mark. Under this situation, as the group leader, I need to use my leadership skills to fix the inner relationship among members and make best preparation for the final presentation. Therefore, I make the following adjustment to help achieve the goal:      
(a) I constructed a more reasonable task distribution so that each member had approximately equal workload, which can prevent some group members from complaining about their heavy load.
(b) I reconsidered the advantages and drawbacks for each member, distributed different tasks to them so that they can completely devote their talent in the areas they are excellent in.
(c) After I have assigned the tasks, I constantly tracked the stages of their tasks so that I could make sure they can accomplish before deadline.
(d) I intentionally set the deadline for them earlier so that it can prevent the procrastination problem from happening.
(e) Whenever I received the work from one group member, I would thank and appreciate for his/her kind devotion to the group so that they can have high sense of achievement and more willingness to work.
(f) I made it the responsibility for each members (including me) to evaluate the work from others and put forward suggestion for improvement.
(g) After I composed all of our final work together, I scheduled a time that was suitable for us to did rehearsal so that we would not have trouble in turn-taking, and it occurred frequently in our progress presentation.
After I made the above adjustments, my group members performed quite well on final presentation and successfully got a full mark for our hard work. I learnt from this leadership experience that as a leader, I need to trace all the work in time, kindly concern about the working progress of each member, and put more effort into my task.
As a leader, I think I have the following strengths and talents:
(a) I am enthusiastic about the things that I am really interested in. I can devote myself into those things and have determination in achieving the goals related to them.
(b) I have self-judgment about whether one thing is good or bad and the morality or immorality of a certain event.
(c) I am delighted to communicate with people from different aspects. Learn from them to see how I can improve myself for the sake of becoming a better person.
(d) I am always glad to help people who are in trouble, provide them with necessary help.
But on the other hand, I know that I have lots of weaknesses, they are:
(a) Sometimes, I am a little bit emotional. I can be very nice to the people who I have judged as person with good characters, but maybe indifferent to the person that I have emotionally judged as having bad characters.
(b) I have trouble in procrastination. Sometimes, I cannot fulfill tasks in time or just hastily finish them right before the deadline because of procrastination.
(c) I cannot stick to a good practice that I think it is good for me, providing the situation that I have not built up that kind of habit before.
Therefore, I still need the following improvement:
(a) I need to eliminate my simple emotional judgment on the characters of one person. Try to use logical judgment on him/her after a relatively long period communication and contact.
(b) I must cope with the procrastination problem well for the sake of my bettering fulfillment of tasks and better building up of good characters.
(c) If I have considered one thing as good for my physical or mental development, I need to stick to it and see whether the outcomes are consistent with my expectation, after which I should make adjustment.
     In order to become a better leader, I have made the following concrete resolutions:
(a) I plan to communicate and contact with some persons that I have previously judged as person with less patience by using my emotional judgment. Try to see whether my emotional judgment gives me accurate expectations. Learn to see things from their perspective.
(b) I need to put one method on dealing with my procrastination problem into practice. That is finishing the tasks before the deadline by intentionally setting it earlier for me.
(c) I should insist on the habit of drinking two bottles of milk everyday for a long time since I am fully convinced that milk can bring me lots of nutrition, thus is good for my health. Since body is the basis of future.
(d) I should strengthen relationship with others by sharing cooperative goals and power with them. I need to show my trust in others by distributing important and difficult tasks to them.
(e)I need to enhance my ability of seeking innovative way to change, grow and improve, and my courage of learning from previous mistakes for the purpose of better self-development.
(f) I will try to put forward some innovative ways to achieve one goal before actions taken. Analyze their feasibility and finally select one to fulfill that task.
(g) I need to take detailed record of the mistakes I have made for my latter introspection and further actions for improvement. Meanwhile, I need to observe others; find out their creativity and innovation.
I firmly believe that if I can insist on the above improvement and make progress step by step, finally I can become a qualified leader.